Jules Turner: Reinventing Redundancy

Reinventing Redundancy by Jules Turner
Have you recently been made redundant?
Did you feel safe in your role, and suddenly you’re redundant, and it was the least you
Did you believe you had an essential function in the company you worked for, but now
you’re not wanted?
Have events taken you by surprise? Has the wind been taken out of your sails, and
suddenly, you feel you’ve lost your sense of purpose?
Has this whole experience come as a complete shock to you?
If you need any reassurance, you’re not alone! Between September and December 2023, there were 116,000 redundancies in the UK alone.
Although this figure doesn’t seem to be that high in the scheme of things, it’s the impact of this experience that can have a knock-on effect.
Jules is on a mission to ‘Reinvent Redundancy’ and he has produced a ‘Top Tips for softening the blow’ It is designed to help you reduce the emotional trauma of losing
your job and turn things around very simply so you can start feeling positive about your
Each of the ten tips will allow you to consider what is happening and what you can do to
make small changes that will best impact you, taking positive steps and reducing the level
of panic.
To obtain a FREE copy of Jules’ guide, email him directly info@julesturner.co.uk please quote ‘Foreshore HR blog post’ when you email.
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